Anonymous (2019). Total Liberation.
Springer, Simon. (2021). Total Liberation Ecology: Integral Anarchism, Anthroparchy, and the Violence of Indifference.
White, Richard & Cudworth, Erika. (2014). Challenging Systems of Domination From Below.
The political struggle for total liberation combines anarchism with a commitment to animal and earth liberation. Whilst more traditional approaches to anarchism have often focused primarily on opposing the state and capitalism, total liberation is additionally concerned with opposing all additional forms of human oppression as well as the oppression of other animals and ecosystems. Proponents of total liberation typically espouse a holistic and intersectional approach aimed at using direct action to dismantle all forms of domination and hierarchy, common examples of which include the state, capitalism, patriarchy, racism, heterosexism, cissexism, disablism, ageism, speciesism and ecological domination. (Wikipedia)
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total liberation